Welcome to Beijing Omori Packing Machinery Co., Ltd
Cup/bowl noodles packing line
Time:2022-03-01 Publisher:北京大森包装机械有限公司 Number of views:1536


Industry status and difficulties: Low packing speed and complicated packing type (staggered matrix or double layer) requires more labors

Omori's solution: The packing section adopts two SE-5100A-HS-H to achieve high-speed shrink packing process. They are equipped with static-electric center sealer which is environmentally friendly, and can save packing film. The case packing section adopts WDC-350 type case packing machine, which can complete the process of automatic turning, sorting, accumulating, and case packing. It can handle both single layer and double layers case packing, and its speed can reach 35 cases/min. 

Value and benefits: The packing effect is perfect, the production effection is increased by 20%, the number of staff is reduced by half (only 3-4 people), and the management cost is highly reduced


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  • Contact number:+86 10 51659399
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  • Contact number:+86 21 62308191
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